Proximiti provides great applications and mobile services for families

  • Every family needs My Internet Lockbox --- an online safe deposit box for important documents
  • Families with teenagers will love CellTRAKR
  • Families with seniors living alone can improve security, safety, and health with Health Phone and other applications
  • Proximiti handles all customer support and end user billing

For Any Famliy

products for any family

My Internet Lockbox is an online file of key information for families including health care directives, emergency contact information, and other more mundane items such as insurance information and vehicle IDs.   It’s like having a locked file cabinet in the sky that is available from any smart phone or PC connected to the internet.   Valuable in emergencies, users can fax or e-mail important documents to medical personnel in seconds and with new federal regulations, this capability is required even for spouses and those with children 18 and older.   Powerful product, simple to use, and invaluable addition for any family.  
Learn more about My Internet Lockbox    Watch My Internet Lockbox video on YouTube

CellTRAKR - A perfect mobile application for families preteens and teenagers.   CellTRAKR utilizes GPS tracking to offer near real time information on a phone user’s location.   The app can also detect speeding and limits the phone to 911 calls when it detects motion helping limit or eliminate texting while driving.   CellTRAKR can also provide parents with information about childrens’ use of the web and to see the text messages to and from the phone.   Parents can review information on a PC or their own smart phone by downloading the CellTRAKR app.   Only 2.99 per month per phone tracked or $29.99 per year.  
Learn more about CellTRAKR

For Families with Seniors

products for families with seniors

Health Phone is a fully functioning Android phone specially designed for independent seniors.   It has a simple interface including an icon called "Teammates" that allows for instant messaging to family members, neighbors, or friends.   It also provides instant access to 911 with another clear icon.   The phone buzzes at times set up by users or family members for check in services or prescription reminders.   Use it anywhere, not just in your house.   And at $39.95 per month, it can even replace an existing cell phone and you can keep your number.  
Learn more about Ny Health Phone    Watch Health Phone video on YouTube

My Assistant provides remote monitoring, check-ins and reminders that are specific for each person.   These interactions can be phone calls to a home or cell phone, text messages or even e-mail.   Family members greatly appreciate the peace of mind from the regular updates they receive.   Escalation and reporting components for family and care givers are also part of the services.  
Learn more about Ny Assistant

My Internet Lockbox is an online file of key information for families including health care directives, emergency contact information, and other more mundane items such as insurance information and vehicle IDs.   It’s like having a locked file cabinet in the sky that is available from any smart phone or PC connected to the internet.   Valuable in emergencies, users can fax or e-mail important documents to medical personnel in seconds and with new federal regulations, this capability is required even for spouses and those with children 18 and older.   Powerful product, simple to use, and invaluable addition for any family.  
Learn more about My Internet Lockbox

Health Network is an innovative telehealth solutions platform that addresses major needs such as discharge program support, disease prevention and management, and wellness enhancement and lifestyle support (e.g., stress, sleep, weight, relationships, daily living, etc.)   It includes daily interactions with patients, family members and caregivers, rules-based evaluations and alerts, and tailored content that informs and motivates patient behavior and treatment compliance.  
Learn more about Health Network

Teammate Proximiti understands that for many of our health care service customers, it’s not just the subscriber that can benefit from our services.   Caring for an elderly parent, managing a chronic disease, or wanting to lose weight efficiently is often a family challenge.   Proximiti allows each user or person signing up a family member to designate teammates.   These teammates are notified of interactions with Proximiti, such as a successful check in call, via text message, email or an automated phone call.   It’s a simple way for family members to keep up with new information, Improves coordinated care, and reduces time spent discussing adherence to medically related prescription requirements.   Keeping up with a family member is simple and allows families to coordinate care and to spend time on more pleasant topics than adherence to prescription requirements.  
Learn more about Teammate